Launch Systems: Aruana

From the outset, SpaceOrg's launch development efforts were split between two teams, one in Persia and one in Turkestan, both working independently but sharing information.  The largest member of the Aldaspan ("Scimitar") missile family created by Märgän Arms is the two-stage Aldaspan-7.  It was this rocket that was selected by the Turkestan-based team for modification from a missile into a rocket capable of lifting a satellite into low Earth orbit.

The Turkestan team, having the advantage of immediate access to the Aldaspan rocket series' developers, finished their work first, and chose the name Aruana for their launch vehicle, after a flying dromedary camel from Qazaq legend.  It was the Aruana rocket that was used to launch Dostlik, SpaceOrg's first artificial satellite, on 16- Çavır (16th April), Buqa jıl 2009.


Aruana launch rocket
Height:              15 qulaş 4 süyüm (26.7m)
Diameter:           1 qulaş (5'-6" / 1.67m)
Propellants:        N-stoff/B-stoff*
Stages:               2
Lifting capacity:  Unclear; probably in the range of 1,000-1,500 lb to low Earth orbit

*Propellants:  Rocket engineers in Ill Bethisad use a series of German-derived designations for the various rocket fuels and oxidisers.  The N-stoff/B-stoff combination is Nitrogen Tetroxide (N-stoff) and Hydrazine (B-stoff), a combination which has high toxicity issues, but is relatively stable over time; thus, it is often used *here* in military missiles.